The fiat standard is a monetary system in which a country's currency is backed not by a physical commodity such as gold or silver, but by trust in the country's government and central bank. The term "fiat" comes from Latin and means "let it be".

Under the fiat standard, the government can control the money supply by issuing paper money and increasing credit through the central bank. The currency has no intrinsic value, but is backed by people's confidence in the stability of the government and the country's economy.

The fiat standard was introduced in the 1970s when most countries moved from a gold standard to a system based on trust in the government and central bank. The fiat standard has allowed governments to increase the money supply to promote economic goals such as growth and employment.

Critics of the fiat system argue that if the government prints too much money or allows too much lending, it can lead to inflation and currency devaluation. Some therefore advocate alternative currency systems such as cryptocurrencies, which are based on decentralized networks and are not controlled by governments or central banks.

FIAT Standard



SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and is a global network of financial institutions that enables the exchange of financial messages and transactions between banks around the world.

SWIFT was founded in 1973 and is headquartered in Belgium. The network connects more than 11,000 financial institutions in over 200 countries, enabling them to exchange messages and transactions securely and efficiently.

SWIFT messages contain information about the sender, the recipient, the amount and the purpose of the transaction. Messages are encrypted and transmitted over the SWIFT network to ensure the security and integrity of transactions.

SWIFT is mainly used for international transfers and payments between banks. However, it is also possible to use SWIFT for other financial transactions such as securities trading or foreign exchange trading.

SWIFT is an important part of the global financial system and plays an important role in processing international transactions and ensuring the security and integrity of the financial system.


Weakness of the banks

There are several weaknesses of banks that have occurred over time. Here are some of the most important:

  1. Centralization: banks are centralized institutions controlled by a small group of decision makers. This can lead to inefficiencies and delays in decision making.

  2. Administrative costs: Banks have high administrative costs that affect the fees and interest rates they charge their customers. These costs can make banks unaffordable for many people.

  3. Security risks: Banks are vulnerable to security risks such as cyber attacks, fraud, and theft. These risks can cause customers to lose their money and decrease trust in the banking industry as a whole.

  4. Lack of transparency: Banks are often not very transparent about their business practices and fees. This can lead to customers losing trust in the banking industry and looking for alternative financial services.

  5. Regulation: Banks are highly regulated, which can lead to restrictions on innovation and the introduction of new technologies. This can lead to banks lagging behind other industries and struggling to keep up with new developments.

Overall, there are many weaknesses of banks that can lead customers to seek alternative financial services. New technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies offer opportunities to overcome some of these weaknesses and revolutionize the financial industry.



CBCD stands for Central Bank Digital Currency. It refers to a form of digital money issued and managed by a central bank. Unlike traditional currencies that exist in physical form like coins and banknotes, CBCDs exist solely in digital form.

CBCDs are based on blockchain technology or a similar distributed ledger technology. This allows the central bank to track transactions in real-time, ensure the integrity of the money, and control the money supply. CBCDs can be implemented either in centralized or decentralized systems.

In relation to cryptocurrencies, there are various approaches to introducing CBCDs. Some central banks are considering creating digital versions of their national currencies to improve payment efficiency and promote financial inclusion. These digital currencies would be issued by the central bank and could be held and used directly by citizens.

CBCDs could also have implications for the cryptocurrency market. On one hand, they could pose competition to existing cryptocurrencies as they are issued by a government institution and may offer greater acceptance and stability. This could lead to a shift in demand from cryptocurrencies to CBCDs.

On the other hand, CBCDs could also have positive effects on the cryptocurrency market by strengthening acceptance and trust in digital currencies overall. When central banks introduce digital currencies, it could lead to governments and institutions recognizing and regulating cryptocurrencies as a legitimate form of money.

It is important to note that CBCDs are not the same as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. While cryptocurrencies are typically decentralized and not controlled by any central authority, CBCDs are issued by a central bank and subject to its control and regulation.

Overall, CBCDs represent an interesting development in the realm of digital currencies. They have the potential to revolutionize payment systems, improve financial inclusion, and promote acceptance of digital currencies. However, they may also impact the existing cryptocurrency market and create new challenges and opportunities for cryptocurrencies.


ISO 20022

ISO 20022 is a global standard for financial messaging that aims to standardize the way financial institutions communicate with each other. It provides a common language and syntax for financial messages, making it easier for different systems to communicate and exchange information.

ISO 20022 is being adopted by many financial institutions around the world, including central banks, commercial banks, and payment systems. It is being used for a wide range of financial transactions, including payments, securities trading, and foreign exchange.

In terms of currencies, ISO 20022 is designed to be currency agnostic, meaning that it can be used with any currency. This includes major currencies such as the US dollar, euro, and Japanese yen, as well as smaller currencies and cryptocurrencies.

ISO 20022 is being implemented by many central banks around the world, including the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve. It is also being adopted by major payment systems such as SWIFT and Fedwire, as well as by commercial banks and other financial institutions.


Financial Crisis

Banks can be responsible for financial crises in several ways:

1. Risky lending practices: Banks may lend money to borrowers who are not creditworthy or who may not be able to repay the loan, leading to defaults and bad loans. This can result in a domino effect where other banks and financial institutions that are connected to the original bank also suffer losses.

2. Speculative investments: Banks may engage in speculative investments that are high risk and can lead to significant losses. For example, banks may invest heavily in mortgage-backed securities or other complex financial instruments that are difficult to value accurately.

3. Lack of regulation: In some cases, banks may engage in unethical or illegal behavior that is not adequately regulated by government agencies. This can lead to fraudulent activities such as insider trading or market manipulation, which can destabilize financial markets.

4. Too big to fail: Some banks may become so large and interconnected that their failure could have severe consequences for the entire financial system. This can lead to a situation where governments are forced to bail out these banks to prevent a wider financial crisis.

Overall, banks play a crucial role in the economy, but their actions can also contribute to financial crises if they engage in risky or unethical behavior or if they are not adequately regulated.