Cryptocurrency trading refers to buying and selling cryptocurrencies on an exchange or trading venue. It is similar to trading stocks or foreign exchange, where you try to profit from the fluctuations of the market.

In cryptocurrency trading, there are different strategies that one can use, such as day trading, swing trading, or position trading. Day trading refers to buying and selling cryptocurrencies within a day, while swing trading refers to buying and selling cryptocurrencies over a period of several days or weeks. Position trading refers to buying and selling cryptocurrencies over a longer period of time, often months or years.

When cryptocurrency trading, it is important to keep an eye on market conditions and news in order to make informed decisions. It is also important to have a proper risk management strategy to minimize losses.

There are many exchanges and trading venues where you can trade cryptocurrencies. It is important to choose a trustworthy and safe exchange and learn about the fees and trading conditions before you start trading.


Was ist Trading?

Price Charts

Trading charts show the price of an asset.
They plot a price by the X-axis (time) and Y-axis (value), in which sales move the price down and purchases move the price up.

Supply and demand thus control the price. Buyers naturally want to buy the desired crypto as cheaply as possible, while sellers want as much money for it as possible.
This can lead to price differences, which are called spreads.

Liquidity is the available amount of Crypto.
If the supply is too large and the demand is too low, the price usually decreases.
If the demand is too high and the supply too low, the price increases.

Various time units, indicators and volumes can be displayed in chart windows, where you can determine, for example, the strength of a cryptocurrency or the amount of its trading capital on the market.

A trend is a tendency in which direction the price is heading.
They are more often than not referred to as bullish and/or bearish.
Bullish metaphorically means that the bull is pushing the price up from below with its horns.
Bearish metaphorically means that the bear hits the price with the paw from the top to the bottom.

Prices are usually represented by lines or candles.


Chart Analysis

A chart analysis is a method to analyze the price history of a cryptocurrency and predict possible future price movements. Here are some steps you can take to perform a chart analysis for cryptocurrencies:

  • Choose a suitable charting platform: there are many charting platforms that you can use to analyze the price history of a cryptocurrency. Some of the most popular platforms are TradingView, Coinigy, and CryptoWatch.

  • Select the time frame: Select the time frame you want to analyze. Some of the most common time frames are hours, days, weeks, and months.

  • Check the trend lines: Check the trend lines to see if there is an uptrend or downtrend. An uptrend line connects the lows of the price, while a downtrend line connects the highs of the price.

  • Check the support and resistance levels: check the support and resistance levels to see where the price may find support or resistance. A support level is a price level where the price may stop falling, while a resistance level is a price level where the price may stop rising.

  • Check the indicators: Check the technical indicators such as the Moving Average, Relative Strength Index (RSI) and MACD to see if they are giving signals of a possible price movement.

  • Check the trading volume: Check the trading volume to see how active the cryptocurrency trading is. A higher trading volume may indicate that the cryptocurrency is more popular and liquid.

It is important to use a combination of these steps to perform a comprehensive chart analysis. It is also important to pay attention to risks and potential problems that could affect the project. However, keep in mind that chart analysis is not a guarantee of future price movements and there is always some risk when investing in cryptocurrencies.


Futures / Derivatives / Margin Trading

BTC Margin Trading is a form of trading where a trader opens a position on the Bitcoin market using borrowed money. The trader puts in a certain amount of equity and borrows the remaining amount from an exchange or broker to open a larger position on the market.

Margin trading allows traders to make larger profits because they can open larger positions in the market than they could afford if they used only their own capital. However, it also carries a higher risk as losses can be larger as well.

In margin trading, there are two types of margins: initial margin and maintenance margin. Initial margin is the amount that a trader must deposit as collateral to open a position. Maintenance margin is the minimum amount a trader must keep in his account to keep his position open.

If the market price of Bitcoin goes against the trader's position, a margin call may occur, requiring the trader to deposit additional capital into their account to keep their position open. If the trader is unable to meet the margin call, the position may be closed, resulting in losses.

Margin trading is an advanced trading strategy and requires a deep understanding of the market and risks. It is important that traders manage their risks carefully and trade only with money they can afford to lose.



There are several trading strategies that can be used with cryptocurrencies. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • HODLing: HODLing is a long-term strategy where you buy cryptocurrencies and hold them for an extended period of time, hoping that the value will increase over time.

  • Day Trading: Day Trading is a short-term strategy where you buy and sell cryptocurrencies within a day to profit from short-term price fluctuations.

  • Swing Trading: Swing Trading is a medium-term strategy where you hold cryptocurrencies for several days or weeks to profit from price movements.

  • Arbitrage: Arbitrage is a strategy of buying and selling cryptocurrencies on different exchanges to profit from price differences between exchanges.

  • Scalping: Scalping is a strategy of buying and selling cryptocurrencies within seconds or minutes to profit from small price movements.

It is important to note that any trading strategy has risks and there is no guarantee of profits. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the risks and choose a strategy that fits your goals and risk tolerance. It is also important to learn about how cryptocurrencies work and the market in general before you start trading.


Trading Pattern

Trading patterns, also known as chart patterns, are recurring formations or structures that appear on price charts of financial assets. These patterns are formed by the price movements of an asset over a specific period of time and are used by traders to identify potential trading opportunities and make informed decisions.

Trading patterns can be categorized into two main types: continuation patterns and reversal patterns.

Continuation Patterns: These patterns suggest that the current trend is likely to continue after a temporary pause or consolidation. Some common continuation patterns include:

  • Flag Pattern: This pattern forms when the price experiences a sharp move in one direction (flagpole) followed by a period of consolidation (flag). It indicates that the price is likely to continue in the direction of the initial move.

  • Triangle Pattern: Triangles are formed when the price consolidates within converging trendlines. There are three types of triangles: ascending triangle, descending triangle, and symmetrical triangle. These patterns suggest that the price is likely to continue in the direction of the breakout from the triangle.

  • Pennant Pattern: Similar to the flag pattern, a pennant is formed when the price experiences a sharp move followed by a period of consolidation. It is characterized by converging trendlines and indicates a continuation of the previous trend.

  • Reversal Patterns: These patterns suggest that the current trend is likely to reverse. Traders use these patterns to identify potential turning points in the market. Some common reversal patterns include:

  • Head and Shoulders Pattern: This pattern consists of three peaks, with the middle peak (head) being higher than the other two (shoulders). It indicates a potential trend reversal from bullish to bearish.

  • Double Top/Bottom Pattern: These patterns occur when the price reaches a similar high (double top) or low (double bottom) twice, indicating a potential trend reversal.

  • Hammer and Shooting Star: These candlestick patterns have long lower shadows and small bodies. A hammer pattern forms at the bottom of a downtrend and suggests a potential bullish reversal, while a shooting star pattern forms at the top of an uptrend and suggests a potential bearish reversal.

Traders use these patterns in conjunction with other technical analysis tools, such as indicators and trendlines, to confirm their trading decisions. It's important to note that trading patterns are not foolproof and should be used in combination with other analysis techniques and risk management strategies.